Advanced Training for Industry Professionals

Improve your and your team's knowledge and skills with free learning resources developed by TRACTIAN and partners

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Browse the Online Catalog of Industrial Content

Search for topics you want to learn about and take advantage of the many subjects and formats available for free to train yourself and your team.

Advantages of Certified Learning

  • Receive renowned proof of your expertise

  • Differentiate your CV in a competitive market

  • Update your knowledge and achieve professional goals

  • Perform work tasks with skill and confidence

Certificates Boost Careers and Earning Potential

In a survey conducted with the entire Academy student base, TRACTIAN found that the benefits of certifying acquired knowledge extend to growth in career opportunities and financial return.

  • 34%

    promotions or career advancements

  • 77%

    increased confidence in one's skills

  • 82%

    greater job satisfaction

*Percentage of respondents who reported the highlighted or similar results.

470,000+ professionals

qualified and certified across the world

Become an instructor at TRACTIAN Academy

Share your expertise and contribute to the development of the industrial community. Although this is an unpaid position, we offer you all the tools and guidance you need to teach with mastery.
